Bone Density
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GE Lunar Achilles Express Densitometer Machine

The Archilles Express by GE is a compact ultrasonometer that provides a cost-effective way to evaluate the risk of fracture resulting from osteoporosis. This machine offers low precision error that makes it possible to monitor bone changes. When you buy the Achilles Express, you will be able to perform exams in very little time. It […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar Achilles Insight Densitometer Machine

The GE Lunar Achilles Insight is GE’s first bone ultrasound system that provides instant imaging of the patient’s heel that can be used to assess osteoporosis. When you use the Achilles Insight, you will be able to view the bone measurement location prior to conducting the measurement as older systems have relied on using a […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar DPX Bravo Densitometer Machine

The Lunar DPX Bravo densitometer by GE is a SmartBeam™ platform that provides you with high-performance scanning and clinical utility. When you use the Lunar DPX Bravo, you are going to be able to get measurements for your patients from the two most vital clinical sites. These clinical sites would be the spine and the […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar DPX Pro Densitometer Machine

The GE Lunar DPX Pro is a bone densitometer machine that uses the pencil-beam technology. When it comes to scanning your patients, the process is automated and quick. This machine uses the QuickScan feature produces rapid acquisitions and is considered one of the fastest pencil-beam systems in the industry. When you buy the GE Lunar […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar DPX-IQ Densitometer Machine

The Lunar DPX-IQ is a total body pencil beam bone densitometer. This machine will give you fast and precise measurements with a low patient dose. This densitometer uses a pencil beam to achieve the precision your patients demand at the low radiation dose needed. In addition to giving you fast and precise measurements, it also […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar Pixi Densitometer Machine

The GE Lunar Pixi bone densitometer offers the ability to measure both the patient’s forearm and heel. This machine uses dual-energy subtraction that measures the patient’s BMD which then produces digital images of the site. The GE Lunar Pixi produces 512 x 512 digital images of both the heel and forearm at 0.2mm pixels. When […]
View this EquipmentGE Lunar Prodigy Densitometer Machine

The Lunar Prodigy by GE was the first bone densitometer that was designed to look beyond the bone mineral density. This machines technology has the ability to detect subtle bone changes. It also delivers fast scans and has some exceptional capabilities that cover a wide range of clinical applications. The GE Lunar Prodigy uses a […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 1000 Plus Densitometer Machine

The QDR 1000 Plus machine by Hologic will give you accurate and reliable hip, lumbar spine and forearm examinations. This densitometer will provide you with high resolution images and low patient dose. It uses a patented automatic internal reference system that gives you the accurate results you need at just the push of a button. […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 2000 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 2000 machine by Hologic was introduced by Hologic in 1991 as the first fan-beam X-ray bone densitometer. It has been used as a method of estimating body FM in children. This machine has been designed to perform whole body scans and has been used in many different research studies. The QDR 2000 is […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 4000 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 4000 machine by Hologic is a bone densitometer that uses the pencil-beam technology that assesses bone patient’s bone mineral status. This machine is used to scan sites such as the lumbar spine, hip, and forearm. When you buy a Hologic QDR 4000, you will have a system that will give you high quality […]
View this EquipmentHologic QDR 4500 Densitometer Machine

The QDR 4500 Elite machine by Hologic is a full body bone densitometer that uses the fan beam technology. When you buy the QDR 4500 Elite, you will have access to a unique package of clinical applications for the AP spine, femur and whole body as well as patient reporting and support software. It is […]
View this EquipmentHologic Sahara Bone Densitometer Machine

The Sahara machine by Hologic is a simple, convenient and practical way for clinics to give their patients a bone assessment. This bone densitometer requires no radiations which improves the patient’s acceptance for the exam. You will also not be required to have a registered x-ray technologist to operate the machine. An exam with this […]
View this EquipmentNorland Apollo Densitometer Machine

The Apollo is a bone densitometer by Norland that is used for the heel. This densitometer assesses the metabolically active and weight bearing trabecular bone that is in the calcaneus. This machine uses the DXA technology which allows for no water bath. This DXA technology is the most widely accepted bone density scanning technology. This […]
View this EquipmentNorland Eclipse Densitometer Machine

The Eclipse by Norland is a 6 foot pencil beam bone densitometer. The standard clinical sites that are used with this densitometer are the AP spine and hip. When you buy the Norland Eclipse, you will receive fast scan times. You will be able to perform an AP scan in under 1.5 minutes and a […]
View this EquipmentNorland Excell Densitometer Machine

The Excell by Norland is a 6 foot bone densitometer machine that uses the pencil beam technology. The standard clinical sites for this machine are the AP spine and the proximal femur. It is equipped with an exclusive 77 step calibration process that allows you to scan a wide range of patients without any special […]
View this EquipmentNorland McCue C.U.B.A. Densitometer Machine

The McCue C.U.B.A. is a precision ultrasound machine that performs calculations of bone density at the heel site. When you perform exams, the procedure will be painless for most of your patients. The exam involves canning only the heel bone. It has a 30 second settling system that prevents patient edema from affecting the results. […]
View this EquipmentNorland XR-36 Densitometer Machine

The Norland XR-36 is a bone densitometer that uses the pencil beam technology. It has been equipped with an 8” DXA patient table. This bone densitometer has been designed for the standard sites of whole body (BMC), AP spine, lateral spine, hip and the forearm. It provides you with scan times of 5 minutes for […]
View this EquipmentNorland XR-46 Densitometer Machine

The Norland XR-46 bone densitometer machine is a DXA scanner that uses the pencil beam technology. It accommodates full body or regional scans. This machine has been designed for the clinical sites of the (BMD) whole body, AP spine, lateral spine, hip and forearm. It has been designed with an exclusive 77 step calibration process […]
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